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Complex Fractures

Fracture Doctor in Kothrud Pune

A broken bone is considered a complex fracture when the break is more severe than a routine fracture. Damage usually includes injury to multiple bones, joints, ligaments, and tendons and requires intensive treatment and rehabilitation. A complex fracture tends to occur with an “open fracture” with the broken bone protruding outward through the skin. Complex fractures are usually caused by sudden trauma from a sports injury, auto accident, hard falls from heights or brittle bones from aging.

The complex nature of this area of orthopedics requires a surgeon who has substantial experience treating complex operations, such as peri-articular fractures.

Get Fracture Doctor in Kothrud Pune


Complex fractures exhibit certain characteristics, which set them apart from normal fractures and help in classifying the extent of the injury. 

  • Soft tissue damage
  • Severe cartilage injury to joints
  • Bone loss due to severe trauma
  • Presence of multiple fractures in a single bone
  • Comminuted bone fragments (broken into many pieces)
  • Associated joint dislocation

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